Eclipse TestNG plugin public availability

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A few days ago we have announced on the TestNG MLs the release candidate of the TestNG-Eclipse plugin. Today, Cedric and myself are very pleased to announce the general public availability of the TestNG Eclipse plugin (in fact this post was meant for yesterday but I was not able to publish it). It can be downloaded from: Now the official announcement:
Hi all!
The TestNG team is pleased to announce (and distribute also ;-)) the first version of TestNG Eclipse plugin.

1/ TestNG View (Window -> Show View -> Other -> Java -> TestNG) featuring
- the Red-Green Bar
- test results statistics
- hierarchical test results presentation
- failures stack traces presentation.

2/ TestNG Launcher (Run ... -> TestNG) featuring
- browse and run a TestNG enabled test class
- browse and run groups defined in the project tests
- browse and run suites

3/ Contextual TestNG Launcher (Right Click -> Run) featuring:
- run class as TestNG test
- run type as TestNG test
- run method as TestNG test
- run suite as TestNG test

The current version is working with Eclipse 3.1M5 (and probably 3.1M4).

Your feedback is welcome (and needed). Enjoy!

TestNG Team
You can see a set of nice snapshots on Cedric's announcement.
We hope that this release will bring more pleasure on your experience with TestNG.