TestNG 5.0 - new annotations and more

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TestNG 5.0 - new annotations and more The new version of TestNG was released. Cedric made the first announcement and the news spreaded quite fast.
The main addition in the new version are the completely revamped annotations. The old @Configuration was replaced by more clear and much more readable annotations: @Before/AfterSuite, @Before/AfterTest, @Before/AfterGroup, @Before/AfterClass, @Before/AfterMethod (phewww... quite a few). But check the following code to see how much better it is:
The "old" way:
public class MethodCallOrderTest {
  public void beforeClass() {
     // do before any test methods in this class are executed
  public void beforeMethod() {
     // do before each test method
  public void realTest() {
  public void afterMethod() {
     // do after each test method
  public void afterClass() {

  public void cleanUp() {
      // do once after all tests

new way:
public class MethodCallOrderTest {
  public void beforeClass() {
     // hey it looks like I don't need to put any comment here to explain it, ain't it?

  public void beforeMethod() {
  public void realTest() {
  public void afterMethod() {
  public void afterClass() {
  public void cleanUp() {
There are a lot more improvements in this new version: better reports, filtered stack traces, more configuration options for the Ant task.
Last, but not least: don't worry about the next versions. We already have in mind a couple of more nice things that will make life easier and a lot more pleasant for test developers.